Thursday, May 23, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Jet Force Gemini

Happy Thursday Gamers! Today's Throwback Thursday comes from a request on Twitter, so this week we're going to spotlight Jet Force Gemini for N64.

Jet Force Gemini is a third person shooter that was created by Rare in the late 1990s. Rare developers originally planned for the game to alternate between a first and third-person views, but decided to stick with a precise third-person view after a request from Nintendo. The game stars Juno, Vela and Lupus who are forced to part ways after Mizar and his evil drones attack their ship and the planet Goldwood. The trio eventually meet back at Mizar's palace, but he escapes to a nearby asteroid vowing revenge on the human race. King Jeff (leader of the Tribals), quickly plans to help them by providing an ancient space ship. However, the Jet Force must collect vital parts in order to run the ship. Throughout the game, the trio work to obtain these parts as well as save all of the Tribals enslaved by Mizar.

In addition to the campaign, Jet Force Gemini also included a multiplayer game which allowed 2 to 4 players to fight it out in a deathmatch. Racing mini-games were also available to players once they were unlocked. These additional features aided to enhance the appeal of the game set it apart from other games released at the time.

The game received positive reviews, but none prestige enough to compare to those of Golden Eye 007 and Banjo-Kazooie. Jet Force Gemini received "B's" and "8's" across the board and was praised for its music, graphics, color and lighting. It met the standards set by preceeding games and ensured fans that quality and originality would continue to come from Rare. Unfortunately, it wasn't considered successful enough to generate a sequel. However, Jet Force Gemini is still referenced in games like Kameo: Elements of Power, Viva PiƱata: Trouble in Paradise, and Banjo-Tooie. Despite its limited success, we're big fans of the game and definitely deem it worthy of a place within our Throwback Thursday vault!

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