Sunday, May 26, 2013

Game Review: Monaco: What's Yours is Mine

So I got a chance to play the new XBLA game Monaco. It is a third-person, top--down perspective, sleuth heist style game. Although my initial negative impressions I had of the menu being pixelated and droll, I really had a change of heart when I started my first mission to escape from prison as a locksmith. The music in this game is amazing, it has a certain, Boardwalk Empire feel to it. As you're sneaking around and trying to see where the guards are it's slow and quirky, but once they spot you all hell breaks loose. The tempo picks up and the panic ensues.

The controls for the game a simple and rewarding. Playing the game for three minutes and you have them mastered. Time is a factor when trying to unlock a door while a guard is on his way down the hall, things can get hairy.

After being bested a couple times due to unfamiliarity, my wife grabs a controller to jump into the action. Playing this game with a couple people is definitely the way to go, even if you're partner has panic attacks and triggers alarms left and right, and you have to keep playing medic (not an actual character).

I had a chance to play as the initial available characters which include The Locksmith, The Pickpocket, The Lookout, and The Cleaner. The further you progress in the game the more characters you can unlock such as The Mole. Each has his own special ability, which makes you have to pick the best group for the task at hand.

Once you figure the best way to beat the level you can check the leader-boards for the fastest time and try to beat that. Some of them are unbelievable, but then again it was me and my "I'm not good under pressure!" wife, so I may not have the fastest times.
So in summary I must say that this game is very enjoyable, although chaotic at times, but hey that's what makes us sit just a little bit farther forward on the couch.

GGR Rating:

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